Rabu, 26 November 2014

Ada Jugak

November 26, 2014

Pagi tadi ada sukaneka untuk program kitorang. Aku check senarai nama, well.. I'm not listed. So aku assume position as AJK (hidup mesti mau poyo, okeh). Aku berjalan terhegeh-hegeh ke kolej, makan apa yang patut, then berkumpul di Fisio Street. Nak tunggu masa untuk aerobik pun lama. Janji pukul 7.50 berkumpul di padang, 8.45 nak panggil untuk aerobik pun liat amat. Aku pun antara yang liat tu.

Game yang tersenarai dalam cadangan awal cuma 6 je, tapi dek sebab semua orang sangat enjoy hari ni, alih-alih jadi 7-8 game pulak. Aku suka-suka je ambil gambar, bukan la ada specific purpose taoi tah macam mana pulak pengajar datang tengok tadi terus suruh aku ambil gambar untuk report dia nanti. Amboi kemain indah pengharapan anda ye, ternampak terus terharap.

Dalam pada dok sibukkan sukan tu, ada jugak dengar pasal kes curi duit. Ye la, kan ke semalam elaun masuk (aku jugak yang belum dapat-dapat gaji sampai sekarang. Nak komplen nanti ada yang panas bontot. Eh.), jadi mungkin ada yang ternampak budak-budak ni keluarkan duit banyak. Bukan apa, mesin ATM tu satu je, yang guna beribu. Harus la cepat kondem. Duit pun cepat je habis. Selalu la OUT OF SERVICE.

Budak-budak yang hilang duit ni ambil jalan bertanya kalau-kalau ada lagi orang yang hilang duit. Kebetulan bilik diorang dekat sangat dengan bilik aku, and benda jadi awal pagi tadi. Sampai ada member aku yang lain balik ke bilik nak check kot ada duit or barang lain pun ikut hilang jugak. Nampak tak banyak, tapi di kala orang nak bersiap nak balik untuk cuti semester ni, hilang sikit pun terasa terjejas. 

Tadi aku terserempak dengan budak-budak yang hilang duit ni. Eh, bijak pulak si pencuri pulang semula duit tu masa orang tengah sibuk nak bersiap untuk sukaneka tadi. Kan terang lagi bersuluh yang mencuri ni budak kelas aku jugak?? Hadei la. Jangan buat kerja bodoh boleh tak? Kau takde duit, cuba tanya kot-kot ada yang boleh pinjamkan. Yang kau sampai mencuri tu kenapa la??

Next semester kita berkumpul lagi. Untuk si pencuri ni, aku harap sangat kes ni first and last. Duit yang tak seberapa tu tak bawak ko ke mana pun. Semata-mata duit seratus dua, sampai sanggup putus kawan, ko nak macam tu?? Fikir balik.

Jumaat, 21 November 2014


November 20, 2014

Finally result untuk peperiksaan akhir semester keluar. Program lain belum dapat keputusan, or rather, keputusan dah sampai tapi pengajar and penyelaras program choose untuk bagi keputusan pada hari Isnin depan. One of the reason is sukan. If results keluar awal, students tak akan fokus untuk main.

Program aku serah results pada 3 batch sekaligus, batch 42, 43 and our batch, 44. Untuk batch 42 - semester 6, ramai yang menangis happy sebab lulus. Only a few yang akan ambil semula kertas yang gagal. Untuk batch 43 aku tak pasti, sebab mostly ramai yang senyap lepas dapat results - be it lulus or not, semua celebrate in serene mood.

For our batch, ada jugak a few students yang akan ambil semula kertas yang gagal. Mostly gagal Anatomy Musculoskeletal and Anatomy Physiology. Ada jugak yang fail Pathology. Aku sangat harap yang kawan-kawan ni akan lulus kertas-kertas yang gagal tu. Ye aku tau, soalan tak akan sama - in fact, lebih susah daripada yang kitorang dah jawab masa exam hari tu. But still..

To those out there (yang ada baca blog aku), yang tertanya-tanya how tough is Diploma Jurupulih Perubatan Anggota, originally there were 49 of us. That was the figure in the 1st week of semester. Now there are 43 of us left. Some leave for a better option, some just couldn't keep up with the things going on around us, especially in academic.

Aku, as usual, akan terus compete against myself. Competition against others mungkin kurang. Jealousy maybe ada, sebab aku nak rasa macam apa yang diorang rasa. Tapi competing against oneself is the toughest battle. Sebab aku tau setakat mana kemampuan diri, and most of the time aku tak reach my limit sebab aku malas. Since aku dah figure out what is my limit and what level I can reach, rasa nak mencabar diri untuk next sem.

Ahad, 2 November 2014

In The End

November 2, 2014

I've totally reached my end of wit this noon. I have no objection whatsoever about you having a boyfriend, and feel the need to be in contact with him almost 24-7. I have no reason to reject such behavior, the right belongs to everyone. However please bear in mind that you're not the sole inhabitants in the room. I'm here too, hello!! I don't see the needs to speak loudly in the phone, given that both of you possess a high end device for communication. Yup, finally, I did it.

I asked her to tone down her voice, or else she can go to the cafe and meet him there. I don't see any reason of not seeing each other when you can. After all, you still need to keep on tight budget, spending your scholarship wisely. I used to have a boyfriend when I was a student before.. well it was long ago when I was younger. A lot younger. And yes, sometimes in the phone we talked about study, even discussed some of our subjects on the phone. But it won't help, you know. Facing each other is much better.

If she was getting silent treatment from me for the past two weeks, now she's giving me one. Not that I care. I get to study in silence, and she can no longer sighing all the time (that's her habit, I've keep up with this since the first week we shared the room). I used to ignore it, and seems that she noticed it too. The sigh went away. But since she went to clinical last month, things went upside down too. Room got messy, her things thrown everywhere, even on my bed too. She became careless, not even switching off the light when she goes out, make noise every now and then.

I guess this issue came up because I'm too fussy but apparently the others said the same too about her. Wonder how I kept up with it for long now. Silence is bliss..and I'm going to enjoy it while I still can.